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Becas para estudiantes

Stay tuned for news about the 2025 MWPARC Travel Grant: Fueling Student Field Experiences season!

Read about the work of the 2024 recipients below!

Midwest PARC ofrece una beca de viaje a los estudiantes para ayudar a compensar los costos de transporte asociados con la participación en el trabajo de campo herpetológico con un investigador experimentado. ¡En 2021, se otorgaron 12 becas ($ 100) a estudiantes de la región del Medio Oeste!  Consulte a continuación los detalles de la solicitud y para leer los informes presentados por los beneficiarios de subvenciones anteriores .

Ya no aceptamos becas de viaje para la temporada 2021.

¡Estén atentos para información sobre premios futuros!

RedBelliedSnake-Trish Brockman.JPEG

2024 Travel Grant Recipients

Eastern Foxsnake on grass - Kayla (1).JPG
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Kayla's work in snake ecology in the Midwest.

Image description: An Eastern Foxsnake resting in the grass.

IMG_6632 - KG & P.jpeg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Kevin's research with Wall Lizards in Ohio.

Image description: An invasive Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis).

eDNA filtration - Alyssa Roberts.jpg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to learn about Alyssa's efforts to monitor Four-toed Salamanders in Minnesota using eDNA.

Image description: Alyssa filters water samples for environmental DNA while in the field. 

IMG_6742 - Grace Allen.jpg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to hear about Grace's research with Blanding's Turtles in Missouri.

Image description: A Blanding's Turtle with a transmitter attached to its carapace.

IMG_3410 - Luke Tonsfeldt (2).JPG
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to learn about Luke's efforts to survey for invasive herps using eDNA. 

Image description: A Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) and a Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) bask on a log.

IMG_0276(2) - Kerri Beers.jpg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to hear about Kerri's work with ranid frogs and chytrid in Minnesota. 

Image description: Kerri and a team of collaborators swab frogs for chytrid fungi.

2023 Travel Grant Recipients

IMG_4097 - Benjamin Genter (1).HEIC
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Benjamin's work with Kirtland's Snakes (Clonophis kirtlandii) in central and northern Indiana.

Image description: A Kirtland's Snake (provided by Benjamin)

IMG_8016 - Caley Johnson.jpeg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Caley's work with spotted turtles in Northern Michigan.

Image description: A Spotted Turtle (provided by Caley)

Sallie release - Shania Burkhead.jpeg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Shania's work with salamanders and habitat drying events.

Image description: An ambystomatid salamander from their mesocosms (provided by Caley)

2022 Travel Grant Recipients

IMG_2258 Copy Copy - Joseph Cannizzaro.jpg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Joey's work with Blanding's Turtles.

Danielle_wetland - Danielle Galvin.jpeg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Danielle's work with ranavirus.

Resized_20220818_111143 - Samantha Skerlec.heic
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Samantha's work with wetland drying and amphibians.

Picture2 - Stephanie Bristow.jpg
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Stephanie's work with phenotypic plasticity in amphibians.

2021 Travel Grant Recipients

Scholarship recipient Katie Brandewie holding a common snapping turtle
Destinatario 2021: Katherine Brandewie 

Click here to read about Katie's work with turtle communities in a large urban wetland complex in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 


Note: Details regarding field sites have been removed to protect those populations of amphibians and reptiles. 

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