Help us make a difference by joining our leadership team!
MW PARC is calling for nominations for new Advisory Board members and for an incoming Co-Chair. Please review the information below about the roles and responsibilities for these positions, and if you're interested in running and or want to learn more send us an email (parcmidwest@gmail.com).
We are accepting nominations during the month of August and will hold online elections in the second half of September 2024. Any member of MWPARC is eligible to vote.
MW PARC is managed by two co-chair positions, each serving a two-year term. The co-chairs are responsible for:
organizing the annual meeting
coordinating content on the webpage
serving as voting members on National PARC’s Joint National Steering Committee (JNSC);
reporting regional activities and project progress to the JNSC
reporting National PARC activities and project progress to regional working group members
representing PARC at regional and local conferences and events
Please see the Co-Chair Roles and Responsibilities document for more details.
Current Co-Chairs:
Travis Kurtz, M.Sc.
Jen Y. Lamb, Ph.D.
Advisory Board
Midwest PARC can have up to 12 advisory board members, plus a member for each MW PARC state chapter. Board members currently serve for a term of two years, starting in January. Advisory board members are expected to:
Attend monthly board meetings (web conference)
Provide advice and ideas about activities, meeting planning, and directions or projects for Co-chairs to consider
Attend the annual conference
Advocate for MW PARC and help connect the organization with additional partners
Recruit potential future advisory board members
Please see the Advisory Board Roles and Recommendations document for more details.
Interested in joining the board, or in recommending someone to join the board?
Contact parcmidwest@gmail.com
Current Board Members:
Joey Cannizzaro, M.Sc.
Gary S. Casper, Ph.D.
President, Great Lakes Ecological Services, Slinger
Wisconsin (State chapter rep.)
Michela Coury, M.Sc.
Adjunct Prof. @ Grand Valley State Uni.
Instagram: @michiganbiologist
Nicole Hafer-Lipstreu, M.Sc.
Environmental Specialist 2 (Biologist) @ Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio (State chapter rep.)
Drew Davis, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist @ University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Justin M. Elden
Curator of Herpetology & Aquatics @ Saint Louis Zoo
Andrew Kuhns, M.Sc.
Assoc. Scientist @ Illinois Natural History Survey, U. of Illinois
Dexter Mardis
Biological Field Station Manager @ Wichita State University
Jennifer Moore, Ph.D.
Nicole Palenske Ladner, Ph.D.
Assoc. Professor @ Central College
J. Daren Riedle, Ph.D.
Wildlife Diversity Coordinator @ KS Dept. of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism
Shelby Timm
Wildlife Ecologist @ Missouri Dept. of Conservation
Dreux Watermolen, B.A.
Chief of Analysis Services @ WI Dept. of Natural Resources
State Chapters
In the Midwest region, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin have PARC state chapters.
Interested in starting a chapter in your home-state in the Midwest region? Contact MW PARC for more information.