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Both National and Midwest PARC project teams and members collaborate on products throughout the year. Midwest PARC's goal is for these products to be practical and help advance our understanding of amphibian and reptile conservation and management.
Check out a variety of PARC products linked below.
National PARC products

Inventory and Monitoring: Recommended Techniques for Reptiles and Amphibians, with applications to the US and Canada
This resource is written for government agency land managers, biologists, consultants, and researchers interested in understanding the herps in their geographic area of interest.

A Wildlife Trafficking Crisis Close to Home
Turtles are trafficked internationally and across the United States, including species native to the Midwestern US. This document outlines partnerships which PARC is involved with to stop the illegal turtle trade.
Midwest PARC products

Field Guide to Amphibian Eggs and Larvae of the Western Great Lakes.
This pocket field guide was created to assist with identifying the eggs and larvae of 23 species of amphibians found in the Great Lakes watershed. Each species description includes full color photos of adults, eggs, and larvae. Written by Gary S. Casper, Thomas G. Anton, and Ryne D. Rutherford.
Available for purchase through MWPARC stores.

Best Management Practices: Crawfish Frog
Crawfish Frogs, a species in the south central United States, have experienced a 35% decline in their range due to habitat loss, particularly in grasslands and wetlands. They show resilience by recolonizing restored areas with specific habitat features, but the loss of these elements can quickly lead to local extinctions and fragmented populations. Read through this Best Management Practices document for suggestions about how to conserve this species.

Field Herpetology Etiquette
Searching for reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitat can be an educational and rewarding pastime. However, over-collecting for the pet trade, habitat destruction, and emerging diseases are all very real threats to our herpetological fauna. Before you venture out, please consider the following tips. It is our responsibility to protect both the animals and their habitat.

Habitat Management Guidelines, 2 ed.
Habitat alteration, fragmentation and loss are collectively considered to be the primary challenges to the viability of many populations of amphibians and reptiles (herps). In 2002, Midwest PARC was the first region to publish a regional habitat management guidelines (HMG) book for amphibians and reptiles. This award-winning series now covers most of the United States, providing proactive guidance for improving the compatibility of land management practices with herps in mind. The Midwest HMG was revised and expanded in 2012.

Blanding's Turtle Conservation Assessment 2010
The Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) is a medium-sized freshwater turtle documented from 10 of the 14 states in the Midwest. The 2010 MW PARC meeting focused on the biology, conservation, and management of Blanding's Turtles, which is where the results of the Conservation Assessment Survey were first presented.

Fire and Herps 2008
Prescribed fire is a useful tool for helping to manage habitat by impeding successional change and controlling invasive plants. Consequently, it is also valuable for increasing suitable habitat for amphibians and reptiles. Under some circumstances, though, fire can also be damaging to resident populations of reptiles and amphibians. In response to discussions at the 2008 annual meeting, MW PARC developed this white paper outlining the concerns and recommendations for prescribed burning and herps. David Mifsud (DMifsud@HerpRMan.com) was the leader of this task team.
Download a PDF of the 2008 Prescribed Burning Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles.

Raccoons and Herps 2008
Increased populations of subsidized predators can have detrimental effects on some herp species. In response to discussions at the 2008 annual meeting, MWPARC developed a white paper outlining the concerns and recommendations for dealing with raccoons. The leader of this task team was Kent Bekker (kbekker@gmail.com).
Download a PDF of the 2008 Raccoon and Turtle Conservation document (and associated literature).

Turtle Regulations 2008
In response to discussions about turtle regulations at the 2008 annual meeting, MWPARC conducted a review and comparison of the state regulations governing turtles in the Midwest.